A New Language for Life: Happy No Matter What!
Dr Louis Koster’s core message — that we are all called to a higher awareness — is at the heart of all his work. He deeply believes that awakening to a higher awareness is possible and available for anyone who has a strong commitment to spiritual growth and development.
A New Framework for Living
People have forgotten who they really are. When we are caught up in our circumstances, we lose our sense of presence. We forget who we really are. We do not just lose our sense of presence, we no longer know what we have lost. We then get entangled in our occurring reality. The solutions we bring to our loss of freedom, our loss of self-expression, and sense of presence, often further alienate us from our true nature and the source of life.
Making a commitment to being happy, no matter what, reminds you of who you really are, since happiness is your innate nature. A commitment to being happy allows you to be true to yourself, since your true nature is happiness. A New Language for Life reminds you of who you really are.
A New Language for Life is a new framework to think from that allows you to empower yourself in life, and discover your own truth. It is a unique approach to living a life of being true to yourself, experiencing enduring happiness, and manifesting your true intentions in life.
A New Language for Life allows you to restore your trust in life, and develop a capacity to see beyond the horizon you are looking at—in particular when you find yourself stuck in life.
Changing the Dream of the Modern World
Whether or not you want to accept it, we now live in a world of change. Technology has transformed our lives drastically, and the world order is in a state of flux. Changes that once took years, even decades, now occur instantly. It’s a new era; an era of change. To meet the demands of this new era, we too must change. In fact, we must radically change the way we view ourselves. We are at a crossroads and must now choose how we enter the future.
How we view ourselves shapes our language and determines how we express ourselves. Our birth language, which is mainly descriptive in nature, does not give us a way of expressing ourselves that is true to ourselves and in alignment with our true nature. Our birth language is no longer sufficient to meet the demands of the new emerging era.
In the classical paradigm of our birth language, we view ourselves within a duality of existence. We see ourselves from a place of separateness, which is reflected in how language expresses itself in the way we communicate and relate to each other. It leaves the essence of who we are untouched, and leaves us always in a state of striving and being unfulfilled, no matter what the circumstances of our lives may be. It leaves us not trusting ourselves, vulnerable to people’s influences, and not being able to be true to ourselves. The result is a perpetual state of struggle and suffering.
Welcome to the new language….
Today, a new way is emerging that enables people speak and share themselves inside of life. It is exciting to see that these elements are coming together as a new language for life and are a part of a new movement. It is a language where people share a similar vocabulary; a language, where trusting life and trusting ourselves are part of the new vocabulary; a language that honors our individual uniqueness without separating ourselves from each other; a language that points to being and to synchronicity in a way that expresses responsibility; a language that speaks of manifesting life in a way that expresses ownership of our destiny; a language that speaks us.
A New Language for Life is a new approach to how you view yourself and life. It is a language that is not located in the world of the observer and the observed, the foundation of your birth language, but originates from a place of our common humanity—a place of oneness of being, a place of relating and communicating that transcends our duality of our existence, our suffering and struggle.
A New Language for Life will make it clear how we can make the most of the future. It is not a new belief system, but an approach that will show us how to trust ourselves, trust life, grow, and live happier, more productive, and more fulfilled lives in alignment with our true nature—no matter what.
A New Language for Life is about each of us exercising responsibility and control of our lives and our planet. It is predicated on the belief that each of us has the ability to raise the level of our consciousness, and that the cumulative effect of that effort will benefit humanity. It will generate a level of universal consciousness where we:
- Are kinder to ourselves, each other, and life;
- Listen to the Earth and speak the language of nature in building and sustaining our communities;
- Are guardians of our planet Earth for future generations;
- Trust that life is fundamentally good;
- Trust life to work out our concerns, when we are aligned with the oneness of life:
- Reclaim the power of language and manifest life as we dream it.
In A New Language for Life, you have the opportunity to have a happy, prosperous life that honors the dignity of the human spirit within the ecological limits of our planet Earth — no matter what.
A New language for Life, Happy No Matter What! is available as a free download. Click here to get your free copy of the book.