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Obtén una copia del Libro Una Nueva Vida: Ser Consciente de Tu Verdadero Ser

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Obtén una copia del Libro Una Nueva Vida: Ser Consciente de Tu Verdadero Ser

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Daily Inspiration

Affirmations for your daily inspiration.

Please feel free to “pin” and share these pearls of wisdom.

Affirmations 11-18

Affirmations 11-18

Affirmations 11-29

Affirmations 11-29

Affirmation 11-3

Affirmation 11-3

Affirmation 11-2

Affirmation 11-2

Affirmations 11-30

Affirmations 11-30

Affirmations 11-21

Affirmations 11-21

In the Presence of Oneness, You Are Present to the Beauty of Life

Being in the presence of the oneness of life, a window to life opens and you are present to the beauty of life. You are present to the beauty of how everything is connected to everything else and to the simplicity of life. You are present to life being fundamentally good. You are in awe and wonde

Affirmations 11-22

Affirmations 11-22

Affirmation 11-6

Affirmation 11-6

Affirmation 11-9

Affirmation 11-9

Affirmations 11-23

Affirmations 11-23

Affirmation 11-10

Affirmation 11-10

Affirmations 11-17

Affirmations 11-20

Affirmations 11-20

Affirmation 11-1

Affirmation 11-1

Affirmations 11-19

Affirmations 11-19

Affirmations 11-26

Affirmations 11-26

Affirmation 11-5

Affirmation 11-5

Affirmations 11-12

Affirmations 11-12

Affirmations 11-16

Affirmations 11-16

Affirmations 11-25

Affirmations 11-25

Affirmations 11-24

Affirmations 11-24

Affirmation 11-4

Affirmation 11-4

Affirmations 11-14

Affirmations 11-14

Affirmations 11-27

Affirmations 11-27

Renewing Yourself in Being Present, Restores You to the Oneness of Life

Renewing Yourself in Being Present, Restores You to the Oneness of Life

Sometimes life presents you with circumstances that you do not necessarily like. Your natural inclination when you encounter something that you don’t like is to resist it, to tell yourself that the circumstances or issue shouldn’t be there, or that it should be different. The highest expressi

A New Language for Life Leaves You in a Process of Revealing

How do you respond when you discover things about people that are either embarrasing, unexpected, or inauthentic? A new language for life reveals being, and therefore reveals what is and what isn’t. Things become clear, not from a position of judgment or criticism, but from a place of oneness b

Affirmations 11-11

Affirmations 11-11

Despertar: La Contribucion Mas Grande Que le Puedes Dar a Alguien

Affirmation 11-7

Affirmation 11-7

Affirmation 11-8

Affirmation 11-8